Doctor Sleep: A novel by Stephen King

Untitled picture

Details for Kindle Edition:

Print Length: 497 pgs

Publication Date: Septemer 24, 2013

Sold by: Amazon Digital Services, Inc

Details for Paperback Edition:

Pages: 560 pgs

Publisher: Gallery Books


The Overlook Hotel was where his boyhood gift for shining opened a door to hell. Dan Torrance is a man now, but ghosts of the Overlook –and his father’s legacy of alcoholism and violence –kept him drifting for decades. Now, sustained by an AA community in a New Hampshire Town, Dan comforts the dying at a nursing home, where they call him “Doctor Sleep.” But before his remnant power can fade forever, Dan meets twelve-year-old Abra Stone. whose spectacular gifts pull him into an epic war with an otherworldly tribe that reignites Dan’s own demons and summons him to battle for the young girl’s soul and survival.

My Review:

Alright, first let me start off by saying that I cannot read a Stephen King’s novel without becoming extremely emotionally and mentally invested into it. I hoping that happens for other fans as well (no? just me? So I’m the weirdo then, I see. 😦 ) Continue reading

The Cannibal’s Daughter: A novel by Mitchell Nelson


Details for Kindle Edition:

Print length= 287 pages

Publisher: Yellow Ink Press

Publication date: June 5, 2014

Details for Paperback Edition:

Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform

Publication date: May 23rd, 2014.


Caroline Gillespie is not famous. She’s a nobody. And that’s the way she likes it. Her father, on the other hand — Hank Keeling, the serial killer and occasional cannibal better known as the Pork Chop Killer — has just gone viral. Thanks to a prison guard’s error, a cell phone video of Keeling’s botched execution is quickly becoming an internet sensation. After watching her father die in all his pixelated glory, Caroline is taken off-guard when Keeling himself shows up at her front door, looking very much not dead. And he has a plan. A plan involving Caroline. A plan Caroline is going to take part in whether she wants to or not. Success means wealth beyond her dreams. Failure means death. Soon Caroline is whisked away from her bland life to face down killers, gangsters and a well-meaning cop in a hunt for long-lost fortune. Deceit, avarice and unrelenting violence collide in a coming-of-age story like none you’ve ever read

My Review:

Upon perusing the Amazon Kindle books section, I came across this little piece of work which enticed me with firstly its cover and then by its synopsis. I am a HUGE fan of Hannibal Lecter, starring Anthony Hopkins so this book definitely tickled my fancy. (No I am not a cannibal if you’re wondering 😛 ) Continue reading